Vibrate HER

Her Story…

Ladies, full transparency moment. Vibe with me. Are you tired of not finding any feminine hygiene products that can help balance your PH and not have all those extra chemicals? I know you are that why the universe brought you to my site. Ladies Vibrate Her is an all natural product specifically and intentionally made to help balance the woman’s vaginal area (HER).

The wait is over…

Vibrate Her’s main ingredient is the Calendula flower which aids in ridding HER of unwanted bacteria. Also prevents inflammation and fungal things such as BV (bacterial vaginal gnosis) and yeast (candidiasis). Vibrate HER cleanses without drying HER out leaving a woman feeling fresh and confident throughout the day. I was inspired to create a wash that kept my PH levels balanced. Doctors giving antibiotics for the bacteria (BV) but the meds caused the yeast infection. That became very frustrating, so I started talking with other women with similar issues and I wasn’t alone I started my own research for over 2 years I poured my all into what natural products would get HER Vibing High. Vibrate HER was born, and now I am ready to share the wonderful benefits it gives to Ladies Everywhere.

2oz. Vibrate HER Wash

2oz. Vibrate HER Oil


Mossy Vibes Seamoss